

て産経大阪杯、阪神競馬場にやってきました。I've been to the HANSHIN racing course.

ドック。This is Paddock.

ズナ号。<KIZUNA> 4th in Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe2013, the most popular horse in Japan. 

央コンコース。Center concourse.

の広々とした空を視に、競馬場では是非場外スタンドへ!Open sky!!

ックの桜植木が印象的です。Pinky back!!

Vast amount of clowd for not so big race because of the luxury members!

阪杯、スタート直後。Just after the start.

ール前。Just before the goal.

ズナ、素晴らしいです。His great last spurt!

うですか、この!The HANSHIN course is impressive for cherry blossoms. Its symbol!!

の桜が名前にも入ってるG1レース『桜花賞』は来週!絶対視に行かなきゃ!On next Sunday Ouka-sho, one of the big three races for fillies, is the G1 race just named after the name"Cherry blossoms".

の桜、来週まで絶対もたない!But, sadly I don't think these can keep blooming up to the day.

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